Saturday 26 November 2016

We have brilliant scientists in The Ark!

Children in The Ark have been applying their maths skills in Science in a variety of ways this week......
Using metre rulers, tape measures and 30cm rulers the Year 2's  compared the length of their arm span with their height, their face length to their foot length and their forearm length to their foot length.
The Y1's used their hand span to measure their height and the length of various body parts. They are hoping to find some similarities.
Meanwhile in Ledston Class,  Y1 children have been reading scales on thermometers in degrees Celsius to find out which materials are the best insulators.
It was tricky to count in tens, fives and ones when reading the thermometer......
The children plotted the temperatures on their graphs......
They talked about the differences in temperatures and from the results of their experiment, agreed on the material that was the most effective insulator.


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